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RPG Review Issue 55: Law and Politics

The fifty-fifth issue of RPG Review has been released. Download the PDF or read online.

The fifty-fifth issue of RPG Review has been released. It's about Law & Politics This includes a Burning Wheel 30 Year's War Warhammer Old World Mash Up, a huge collection Politician Characters, some Strange Laws from history, a review of two editions of RuneQuest Empires, Law and Politics in the Alien RPG, A Noir Scenario, "Lost Faith", and completely not related to politics; Werekin for Tunnels & Trolls and RPGaDay with Jason Durall!

RPG Review Issue 54: Cats! (They're popular on the Internet)

The fifty-fourth issue of RPG Review has been released. Download the PDF or read online.

The fifty-fourth issue of RPG Review has been released (yes, it's very late!). It's (almost) all about cats! This includes a massive Secrets of Cats/Kids on Bikes setting and campaign, a D&D BE (old school!) scenario involving a Displacer Beast and Blink Dogs, Cats of the Green Isles, Illusory Adventures (not really about cats), Cat Characters for several game systems and an associated poem, Talking cats for T&T, and even a movie review of Cats!

RPG Review Issue 53: The Games and Settings of I.C.E!

The fifty-third issue of RPG Review has been released. Download the PDF or read online.

This is a special issue on the games and settings of Iron Crown Enterprises and in memory of Terry K Amthor and Shadow World. It includes a memorial for Terry, an interview with ICE founder Pete Fenlon, reviews of the original Rolemaster books (Arms Law, Claw Law, Spell Law, Character Law, Campaign Law), Archery in Rolemaster and Shadow World, Shadow World Locales and Fecundity, Spell Modifications for HARP, a Cyberspace/DarkSpace/Stalker crossover set in Australia, and a review of the Disney film Encanto Movie Review.. and much more!

RPG Review Issue 51 and 52: Housing, Food, and Clothing

The fifty-first and the fifty-second issues of RPG Review has been released. Download the PDF or read online.

This is a double issue on "Housing, Food, and Clothing" and includes a massive Eclipse Phase campaign story, Ettins & Chickens for D&D5e, City and Food RPG Reviews, Pre-Generated Foodie Characters, Blood Sucking Blades for RuneQuest, "Beneath" short story, and much more!

RPG Review Issue 49 and 50: Cyberpunk 2020, Year of the Stainless Steel Rat

The forty-ninth and the fiftieth issue of RPG Review has been released. Download the PDF.

This is a special double-issue arising from the Cyberpunk 2020: Year of the Stainless Steel Rat online conference, that included Walter Jon Williams as keynote speaker. It includes a transcript of all presentations and questions, a cyberpunk music setlist, several cyberpunk scenarios, campaign outlines, reviews of Blade Runner 2049, the Cyberpunk 2077 computer game, and much more!

RPG Review Issue 48: Supernatural Beings and Places

The forty-eighth issue of RPG Review has been released. Download the PDF; or read online.

It includes designer's notes for Relic's, a roleplaying game of mystery, mythology, and memory., reviews of In Nomine, Little Fears, and Lex Occultum, a collection of witch-related reviews, players perspectives on Out of the Ayss, Succubi and Incubi for Ars Magica, a review of the Lost Gods novel, a review of the movie Amulet , poetry, and more!

RPG Review Issue 47: In Sickness and In Health

The forty-seventh issue of RPG Review has been released. Download the PDF; or read online.

It includes the following content: a complete roll-playing [sic] game, TP Total Pan, a review of different hit point and healing systems, a collection of pre-generated healers, an exploration of disease in RuneQuest, a massive Eclipse Phase gaming 'blog, not dying in Tales from the Loop, demigods in D&D, healing in Guller's Trading Company, a review of Radioactive, and much more!

RPG Review Issue 46: FUDGE, Fate, and Friends

The forty-sixth issue of RPG Review has been released. Download the PDF; or read online.

RPG Review Issue 45: Monsters!

The forty fifth issue of RPG Review has been released. Download the PDF; or read online.

It includes the following content: Tunnels & Trolls Bestiary, Review of AD&D Council of Wyrms, Chivalry & Sorcery Saurians, Role Aids Monsters of Myth and Legend (Volumes I, II, III), GURPS Monsters, Monsters and Other Childish Things, Darkest Dungeon CRPG Review, HyperLite CRPG Review, Hereditary and Parasite Movie Reviews and much more!

RPG Review Issue 44: RuneQuest Glorantha Con Down Under IV

The forty fourth issue of RPG Review has been released. Download the PDF; HTML version coming soon.

This is a special issue for RuneQuest Glorantha Con Down Under IV and was actually released about a month ago.

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