About Us

The RPG Review Cooperative, Inc., is an incorporated association with the following purposes:

  • To promote and advocate the use simulation and roleplaying games.
  • To design, develop, and distribute simulation and roleplaying games by members.
  • To publish periodicals, manuals, books, websites etc related to simulation and roleplaying games.
  • To engage in activities, including generating income and expenditure, to further these aims.
  • We offer a free journal every quarter, a club listing, mailing lists. We also have an online store service which members may sell second-hand RPGs from their collection.

    The Association is incorporated in the State of Victoria, A0094301K.

    A copy of the Association's Rules are available.

    The icon used by this site is "Arachne" by Gustave Doré, a French artist of the 19th century.

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