CyberDarkSpace -- CyberDarkspaceStalkers


About CyberDarkSpace
English (USA)

Cyberspace is a complete roleplaying game set in the corrupt, dirty, high-tech Earth of 2090 AD; where Megacorporation repression collides with Sprawl street warfare. Muscle-grafted Punks and jacked-in Netheads crawl from the gutters to scrap Media Stars and Cybernetic Mercenaries - a conflict beyond the boundaries of Good and Evil. From the depraved, polluted cities to the surreal beauty of Earth's global computer matrix, this is the world of Cyberspace.

Cyberspace contains a world environment rules system, combat rules, and all you need to create a varied cast of characters. Player development systems help YOU create cybernetic enhancements, computer implants, and all the personal "improvements" a character could want. An in-depth history and description of the Cyberspace world brings the game to full degenerate life. A mind-sizzling adventure completes your introduction to Cyberspace. Live the startling future!

Dark Space is a complete campaign setting as well as a unique combination of science fiction fantasy and horror. Contained within are detailed descriptions of twenty different worlds and the society that binds them together. Organizations, religions and governments of this fantasy/high tech society are included as well as a number of new races and beasts unique to the setting.

Stalker is a 1979 Soviet science fiction art film directed by Andrei Tarkovsky with a screenplay written by Boris and Arkady Strugatsky, loosely based on their 1972 novel Roadside Picnic. The film combines elements of science fiction with dramatic philosophical and psychological themes.

Mash it all together!

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