[Papers&Paychecks] 1.8 Personality
Simon Stainsby
bikenerd at gmail.com
Sat Jan 28 20:43:48 UTC 2017
Can the archetypes be some analagous to DnD class or specialisation?
Perhaps provide bonuses to certain actions?
On 29 Jan 2017 7:34 am, "Simon Stainsby" <bikenerd at gmail.com> wrote:
I like.
Firstly because critics of Myers Briggs point to the normal distribution
(and variability) of results to show how it's all BS.
So having a game mechanic that is both normally distributed and having an
experience point system that allows players to vary their MB results is
Good example. Lots of description of MB / Archetypes. Editing final product
will see if all the detail is needed (might need additional game play hooks
to justify current size).
Looking good
On 28 Jan 2017 11:01 pm, "Andrew Daborn" <andrewdaborn at hotmail.com> wrote:
> Nice. I just had a brief scan of it. It looks good, especially the example
> at the end. I'll go over it again tomorrow and get back to you.
> Sent from Samsung Mobile
> -------- Original message --------
> From: Lev Lafayette
> Date:28/01/2017 20:34 (GMT+10:00)
> To: papersandpaychecks at rpgreview.net
> Subject: [Papers&Paychecks] 1.8 Personality
> Sample chapter sub-section. What do you think? Interested in Andrew's
> point-of-view in particular :)
> ## 1.8 Personality
> *"Most personality psychologists regard the MBTI as little more than an
> elaborate Chinese fortune cookie"*
> Robert Hogan
> Like much of the corporate world, *Papers & Paychecks* uses the
> Myers-Briggs Type Indicator as a summary of a character's personality, and
> mapped to the Keirsey Temperament Sorter, both of which are derived from
> Jungian psychology. Like most aspects of roleplaying games, this is
> expressed in the simplified form, without auxiliary functions for example.
> In other games this is the equivalent of their "alignment". As a
> roleplaying game, a player should play according to the role of their
> character.
> Whilst the player is given a choice about the personality values of their
> Type, within the range of 3-18, and an option is designed for random
> generation on 3d6. Note that contrary to original expectations the four
> dichotomies of MBTI tend towards a more normal distribution rather than a
> bipolar distribution. In addition the formal MBTI uses absolute values
> rather than a continuum.
> **Favorite world: Extraversion/Introversion**
> Extraversion and Introversion are preferences in MBTI, which may not map
> to actual activities. In a general sense, Extraverted characters are
> outward-focussed by preference, whereas Intraverted characters are
> inward-focussed by preference. This does not mean that extraverted
> characters necessarily prefer action to thought (or vice-versa for
> introverts), but rather their actions have different reasons; the
> extravert will think in order to engage with the extrernal world, the
> introvert will act in order to engage with their inner world.
> Socially, extraverted characters are often engaged in the company of
> others, and are energised by social interactions, especially with a wide
> variety of individuals and ideas. Introverted characters prefer smaller
> close-knit groups, or even their own company. This should not be confused
> with social anxiety issues; an extraverted character could suffer from
> stage fright, just as an introverted person could be perfectly fine with
> other people; they would just *prefer* to bury their nose in a book.
> **Information: Sensing/Intuition***
> Sensing and Intuition are information-gathering functions in the MBTI.
> Again, it is a preferential model. In a general sense, Sensing characters
> are orientated towards giving credence to information that is immediate,
> empirical, and tangible, coming from their senses. In contrast Intuition
> characters are more trusting of information that is contextual, rational,
> and abstract.
> A Sensing character will prefer to recall events as a set of facts,
> whereas the Intuitive character will recall them as contexts and flow.
> Sensing characters will solve problems but each step in a serial and
> linear manner, whereas an Intuition character will solve problems by
> taking in ideas, interpretations, and possibilities from a variety of
> sources. Sensing and Intuition must be understood as information-gathering
> traits, rather than a sensual response. An Intuitive character can still
> be a person who enjoys physical sensation, just a Sensing character could
> dislike physical sensations.
> **Decision: Thinking/Feeling**
> Thinking and Feeling are preferential choices when making decisions in the
> MBTI. Characters with a Thinking preference tend to look towards internal
> consistency as their primary source with a degree of detached fairness,
> whereas characters with a Feeling preference tend towards the particular
> circumstances and feelings of the people involved.
> Characters who prefer Thinking for decision making are not necessarily
> "thinkers" or more intelligent or rational, and likewise people who have
> Feeling for decision making are not necessarily more sensate, or even more
> empathic. The MBTI eveluates preferences, not ability.
> **Orientation: Judging/Perception**
> Judging and Perception are perferential choices when orientating one's
> self to the external world. Characters with a Judging preference prefer an
> organized and planned approach to life that has a high degree of structure
> so they can be make contingencies. A Perceiving character has a preference
> of living that has a higher degree of flexibility and spontaneity so they
> can adapt to new circumstances.
> Characters who prefer Judging are not necessarily judgemental, and
> characters who prefer Perceiving are not necessarily more perceptive. It
> is an expresssion of how one prefers to organise their interactions with
> the external world.
> **Game Use**
> With an assignment or from random determination, characters will have MBTI
> values for the four paired values. From here, a bonus is derived in the
> same manner that is done for characteristics, based on the dominant value
> of the pair or for the first value if the bonus is +0. When a situation
> arises when a preference is called (e.g., a matter of world preference, of
> information gathering, of decision making, of world orientation) the
> player may optionally roll 2d6 against a target number of 7 (easy) to
> *guide* their approach, adding the appropriate bonuse. The degree of
> 'success' above the target number establishes a commitment to a particular
> approach to the dominant pair, and likewise the degree of 'failure'
> represents a commitment to the opposite pair.
> For example: Russel Wrench, a mild mannered computer programmer, has
> randomly determined the paired characteristics: Extraversion 6 (-2) which
> becomes Introversion (+2), Sensing 9 which becomes Intuition (+1),
> Thinking 12 (+1), and Judging 14 (+2). The player marks in the character
> sheet under personality I+2,N+1,T+1,J+2
> **Keirsey Temperament Sorter**
> The Keirsey Temperament Sorter provides roles which can be mapped to MBTI
> values. These are provided here as a shortcut for players to make an "at a
> glance" overall decision of a character's behaviour. Kersey assessed
> characters on whether they were orientated by preference towards the
> concrete and the abstract, then whether they were cooperative or
> utilitarian, then informative or directive, and finally expressive or
> attentive. This provides multi-level temperament, role, and role variants.
> MBTI Kiersey Role Variant Descriptives
> ESFJ Provider Observant, Logistical, Supporting, Supplying
> ISFJ Protector Observant, Logistical, Supporting, Securing
> ESTJ Supervisor Observant, Logistical, Regulating, Enforcing
> ISTJ Inspector Obervant, Logistical, Regulating, Certifying
> ESFP Performer Observant, Tactical, Improvising, Demonstrating
> ISFP Composer Observant, Tactical, Improvising, Synthesizing
> ESTP Promoter Observant, Tactical, Expediating, Persuading
> ISTP Crafter Observant, Tactical, Expediating, Instrumenting
> ENFP Champion Instrospective, Diplomatic, Mediating, Motivating
> INFP Healer Introspective, Diplomatic, Mediating, Concilliating
> ENFJ Teacher Introspective, Diplomatic, Developing, Educating
> INFJ Counsellor Introspective, Diplomatic, Developing, Guiding
> ENTP Inventor Introspective, Rational, Costructing, Devising
> INTP Architect Introspective, Rational, Constructing, Designing
> ENTJ Fieldmarshal Instrospective, Rational, Arranging, Mobilizing
> INTJ Mastermind Introspective, Rational, Arranging, Entailing
> For example, Russel Wrench is a "Mastermind", and that is added in the the
> character sheet next to the personality values.
> The Boss should show interest in how players use these results as it
> represents playing according to the character's psychological preferences.
> A consistent use of such character preferences by a player, especially
> when it is contrary to the character's interests at the time should result
> in a Luck Point reward.
> > Boss: OK, you're in for the big technical meeting. The manager and the
> team are there, all NPCs except you. Everyone's really pumped out and
> excited about this new roll-out of a massive new storage system for the
> company, with a new operating system and storage protocol. Everyone's
> talking over one another, scribbling on white boards and debating what
> tasks they're going to do. Rodney, what's your character, Russell
> Wrench, up to?
> > Rodney: My character has Introversion at +2, I make a check and roll a
> ... ahh, an 11. Russell will pull out his laptop and start reading
> through some technical specifications for operating system and storage
> protocol.
> > Boss: Whoa, the manager is not impressed with that at all, "This is a
> *team* meeting Russell, your input is appreciated. A *lot* of money is
> being spent on this project, including a lot of money on *your* wages.
> We expect value for money", he says tersely.
> > Rodney: Russell ignores the manager for several seconds and finally
> mutters something about going over the technical details.
> > Boss: Ha! That's excellent. Give yourself a Luck Point for playing in
> character even when the character is under threat. The manager explodes
> at you, "When ask you to participate, Mr. Wrench, I am giving an
> *order*, not an *option*. We have come here for a team meeting to
> determine the roll-out of a two million dollar project, and here you are
> wasting company time playing around on your laptop. Either you
> contribute or get out of here!". The room falls silent and everyone
> turns looking at you. Your move.
> > Rodney: Huh, attack is the best defense. I initiate a social attack
> against the manager. I'll make a Computer roll, and spend my Luck Point
> to make it a 12. That's my best skill and brings it to a total of 18.
> What's the manager's defense?
> > Boss: Er, well, he's really set himself up for this, so I guess it's a
> counter-attack with Bully! His bonus is +5 total and he rolls a, ahh, 5,
> for a total of 10. You win by 8 points, that's a huge loss to his
> Charisma, even with his professional defense it'll take him months to
> recover. OK, what do you do?
> > Rodney: Russell closes the lid of his laptop, gets up, and says, "The
> operating system and the storage protocol are incompatible". He glares
> at the manager. "I've just saved the company two million dollars - and
> saved your job", and then walks out the door.
> > Boss: Drops mic, eh?
> > Rodney: *nods* Drops mic.
> --
> Lev Lafayette, BA (Hons), GradCertTerAdEd (Murdoch), GradCertPM, MBA (Tech
> Mngmnt) (Chifley)
> mobile: 0432 255 208
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